Future Light

Football Academy

Welcome to

Future Light Football Academy

We transform the lives of disadvantaged children through the love of football. Our training program, led by professional football players, fosters their talents, instill positive values, and provide a nurturing environment for growth, both on and off the field.

Learn more about our journey, the impact we are making in the lives of these incredible young athletes, and how to get involved.

About US


Co-Founder & Coach

Eric is a professional football player for S.C. Kiyovu in Kigali, Rwanda, as well as a professional children's coach. He feels privileged to have a dream career and spends his spare time improving the lives of others, doing what he does best: football.



Bram is a lawyer from the Netherlands living in Dubai, inspired by the deep sense of community in Kigali, and proud partner of Eric as co-founder of Future Light.


Join the Academy!

We train every Sunday for at least two hours with up to 100 kids. They come from all over Kigali to play and be part of the biggest football team in the city. The main ingredient for a successful training is the spirit of our trainers and participating players, but we cannot do without materials such as footballs and bibs, water to rehydrate and bananas, rice and beans to refuel. Remember that these kids do not come from backgrounds where mom and pop prepares a lunch box. They often live on the street or in the best of cases share a roof over their heads but live in families that battle misfortune everyday to put on the table.

Every donation is fully spent on materials, transport, water and food to enable the kids to participate in the trainings. There are no 'admin' or other hidden costs.

We love your participation, even if you do not donate money. You may have questions and suggestions to share, or would like get to help our cause in another way, by sharing the mission or enter into a professional partnership.

Donations can be made by clicking on "Donate Now".

Contact us

Whatever it is, we look forward to get to know you. See 'Contact Us'

Learn about our other project:


Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for the elderly population in Kigali by providing them with support and assistance for their day-to-day tasks. We aim to create a compassionate and inclusive society where senior citizens can age with dignity and independence.